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Certificate and Key Widgets

The new certificate and key view widgets are now merged into gnome-keyring master. They live in libgcr: a library for crypto UI widgets and crypto helpers.

The goal of the widgets are to have a simple mode, where only the information needed for a user to uniquely identify a certificate …

Introducing libgck: A PKCS#11 GObject wrapper

In gnome-keyring we use PKCS#11 for the storage of keys and certificates. PKCS#11 is standard sort of a plugin API that allows drivers or software to provide key storage and crypto algorithms to an application.
libgck is a GObject wrapper of PKCS#11. Still pretty low level but …

My Talk: Usable Crypto on GNOME

I gave a talk on Wednesday about using a common certificate and key store across the desktop and using common widgets for crypto bits.

Sadly the talk was at the same time as a big release team announcement/talk. Notwithstanding more people came than I expected.

The slides are here …


Yesterday was the first day of my first GUADEC. It was great meeting many people I’ve only been in touch with remotely.

We had our Desktop Crypto BOF as well. I imagined it going differently, and probably should have prepared for it differently. There were topics that would have …

Talk at GUADEC on Integration of Certificate and Key Storage

I’ll be attending GUADEC for the first time. Not only that but I’ll be giving a talk. I’m a bit nervous, but excited!

The talk is about integrating various applications using keys and certificates to use a common key storage.

Currently each application puts their certificates and …

Part of Postgresql 9.0…

I’ve contributed to another open source project, Postgresql. My first contribution made it into version 9.0.

I worked on the samenet and samehost host based access control feature, which lets you grant database access to hosts on the physical subnets that the postgresql server is attached to.

Previously …

© Stef Walter. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on github. .