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Using Vagrant to Develop Cockpit

Starting with Cockpit release 0.79 you can use Vagrant to bring up a VM in which you can test or develop Cockpit. The VM is isolated from your main system so any system configuration you change via Cockpit will only happen in the VM.

The Vagrant VM mounts the …

Cockpit 0.79 Released

Cockpit releases every week. This week it was 0.79

Cockpit 0.78 Released

Cockpit releases every week. This week it was 0.78

Cockpit 0.77 Released

Cockpit releases every week. This week it was 0.77

The Wizard Anti-Pattern

AKA: the Installer Anti-Pattern

There’s a common user experience anti-pattern that pops up all over the place:

Interactive choices offered to the user during an install, creation or setup process are an anti-pattern. The negative consequences are in proportion to the number of configuration choices involved.

Or put another …

Making REST calls from Javascript in Cockpit

Note: This post has been updated for changes in Cockpit 0.90 and later.

Cockpit is a user interface for servers. In earlier tutorials there’s a guide on how to add components to Cockpit.

Not all of the system APIs use DBus. So sometimes we find ourselves in a …

Cockpit’s Kubernetes Dashboard

Here’s a video showing what I’ve been working on together with some help from a couple Cockpit folks. It’s a Cockpit dashboard for Kubernetes.

If you haven’t heard about Kubernetes … it’s a way to schedule docker containers across a cluster of machines, and take care …

The Ideals of Cockpit

Cockpit is an interactive server admin interface. For those helping contribute to Cockpit, these ideals help us remember what we’re trying to accomplish. For others, this page should answer the question: “Why Cockpit?”

These ideals are not a commentary about what is “right” and “wrong” in software in general …

Protocol for Web access to System APIs

Note: This post has been updated for changes in Cockpit 0.48 and later.

A Linux system today has a lot of local system configuration APIs. I’m not talking about library APIs here, but things like DBus services, command/scripts to be executed, or files placed in various locations …

Cockpit on RHEL Atomic Beta

If you’ve tried out the RHEL Atomic Host Beta you might notice that Cockpit is not included by default, like it is in the Fedora Atomic or CentOS Atomic. But there’s an easy work around:

$ sudo docker run --privileged -v /:/host -d stefwalter/cockpit-atomic:wip

This is an …

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